drink bottling plant

  • Location: Martorelles / Montornès, Barcelona, Spain
  • Client: Cobega
  • Services: Site Assessment
    Urban planning project
    Urbanisation project
    Environmental Authorisation
    Conceptual design of the factory
    Adaptation to the specific regulations
    Civil works, architecture, building services and special systems projects
    Construction management
    Legal engineering
    Logistics consultancy
  • Surface Area: 90.000 m2 built and 90.000 m2 urbanized
  • Year: 2002-TODAY

Cobega decided to centralise the production of the centres that currently exist in Barcelona and Sant Quirze, in a new plant in Martorelles, Montornès del Vallès (Barcelona, Spain).
A plant suitable for meeting the needs of space for machinery for the next six years was built that would be easy to expand in the future.
The manufacturing facilities here stand out for their size: they are on a plot that was originally 45 hectares, with 90,000 built square metres and 90,000 additional urbanised square metres. It currently is the second largest plant in the world of its type and also owned by this manufacturer.
The main aim of the project for the new bottling plant for fizzy drinks was the construction of a factory that could satisfy production needs (and the expansion of the facilities), without forgetting its integration into the environment, especially regarding the efficiency of the equipment and processes.
The new plant has become a world reference for the use of the latest bottling and water treatment technology, as well as for its organisation and the application of sustainable criteria.
This project has been the result of many hours of work to obtain a cutting-edge product in terms of the concept, the production costs, flexibility for future expansions, and the use of by-products that are normally rejected.
At the same time, when it was designed, its location on the threshold between the Sierra de Marina and the Besòs river was taken into account so that, far from becoming a barrier to the movement of local fauna, it would act as a biological connector, that would allow for free transit from one habitat to the other.

Central Barcelona
Via Augusta, 4, 08006 Barcelona
Teléfono: 932 17 56 54

Delegación Madrid
Santa Úrsula, 7. 28801,
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Teléfono: +34 911 177 221

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