At Indus Ingeniería y Arquitectura, S.L. we work to ensure privacy in the processing of your personal data. We have updated our Privacy Policy to clearly inform how we collect, use and guard the data of the people who contact our company:

Treatment Controller

The interested party who provides Indus Ingeniería y Arquitectura, S.L. their personal data through our website or by other means (for example, social networks) is informed that the processing of their data is performed by:

Indus Ingeniería y Arquitectura, S.L. CIF B-08371809

Address in Via Augusta, 4, 08006 Barcelona. Telephone number: 93 217 56 54


Data Protection Officer

We also inform you that we have a Data Protection Delegate (DPD) who ensures compliance with data protection regulations and their contact details are:


Purposes of data processing

At Indus Ingeniería y Arquitectura, S.L. data processing is carried out for the following purposes, depending on the reason for which you have provided them to us:

  1. Contact with the sender of the information, respond to your application, request or inquiry and to follow up further.
  2. Manage, if applicable, the contracting of the services requested by the USER, their billing and collection.
  3. Manage their identification data as well as training and professional data, in the event that they express their willingness to belong to our job pool and their participation in selection processes.
  4. the assignments, if any, described in our forms to third parties necessary for the execution of the service or request made, or other collaborators described in the sheet
  5. To manage, where appropriate, the process of registration of the USER on our website
  6. All purposes are limited to and related to the main purpose of the Mercantile which is the provision of technical services of engineering, architecture and consulting and others

Data origin

The origin is from the interested party and their legal representatives. The data processed are of identification or basic level in general. It may also be economic data in certain operations.

The source of the data is the data subject and his/her legal representatives.

Duration of the data processing

  • Data for the management of the relationship with the customer and the billing and collection of services will be retained for as long as the service is provided for the duration of the relationship with the customer. Once this relationship has ended, if applicable, the data may be retained for the time required by the applicable legislation and until the eventual liabilities arising from the service expire.
  • Data for the management of queries and requests shall be kept for the time necessary to respond to them, with an indicative period of one year or statistical and historical periods.
  • In the absence of specific deadlines, for as long as the relationship between the company and the customer persists

Legitimation for data processing

  • The legal basis for the processing of your data for the above purposes, is the

execution of the provision of the corresponding service or service contract.

  • The data will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest of the parties, either for the duration of the service or contract or On the other hand, the data will remain in the mercantile in compliance with generic and sectorial mandatory regulations and until the statute of limitations periods are exceeded.
  • The provision of unequivocal or express consent.

Communication of your data

The data will be communicated to the following entities:.

  • To our collaborators necessary for the execution of the service
  • To our regular collaborators motivated by the request for services that we do not provide directly, but that we recommend for their experience and
  • In relation to outsourcing, either to implement its security measures and to ensure the availability and integrity of the information in its custody, it has outsourced servers with companies
  • To the financial entities through which the management of collections and payments
  • To the competent public administrations, in the cases provided for in the Law and for the purposes therein

Your rights

Every person who provides us with their data has the following rights:

  • Customers or job candidates may exercise the right of access, rectification, opposition or deletion at the address given in the information by layer (establishment or by email or at the address at the beginning of the letter), as well as through our We also inform those potentially affected that they have the right to request the right to portability of their data, where appropriate, to the limitation of the processing carried out when the purpose no longer exists or specific opposition to specific processing.
  • The data subject or affected by the processing, have the right to withdraw their consent at any
  • Finally, the customer or user affected, has the right to contact the Data Protection Agency or other competent supervisory authority, entity that manages any aspect related to the application of data protection regulations and where the user can complain or defend their interests in the event that it deems appropriate, the web is

International Transfers

Your data is not transferred outside of the European Union, in your case, it would be necessary to request your express consent.

Third-party data

If you provide data of third parties, you assume the responsibility to inform them in advance of all the provisions of Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation under the conditions set out in that precept.

Updating your data

In the event of any modification of your data or if you detect that any data is erroneous, please inform us for correction, in order to keep the data updated.

In the event of any modification of your data or if you detect that any data is erroneous, please inform us for correction, in order to keep the data updated.

Central Barcelona
Via Augusta, 4, 08006 Barcelona
Teléfono: 932 17 56 54

Delegación Madrid
Santa Úrsula, 7. 28801,
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Teléfono: +34 911 177 221

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