We approach project management with rigorous control over all phases of the project. In this way, we guarantee our clients the quality, deadline, and cost established at the beginning of said project. In order to do this, we have multidisciplinary teams of technicians that are coordinated by project directors with extensive experience in the management of large-scale projects.

  •  Project management.
  •  Construction management.
  •   Management of purchases and contracting.
  •   “Turnkey” projects.
  •  Commissioning.
  •   Technical assistance in validations and qualifications.
  •   Accompaniment on official inspections.
  •  Training of users.
  •  Quality control of the project and works carried out.
  •  Implementation of maintenance, development and launch plans.
  •  Processing of administrative permits.

Central Barcelona
Via Augusta, 4, 08006 Barcelona
Teléfono: 932 17 56 54

Delegación Madrid
Santa Úrsula, 7. 28801,
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Teléfono: +34 911 177 221

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